On 19 May 2003 13:40:05 -0700, kathyspam@weeksfamily.net
(Cathy Weeks) wrote:
>I know about "garbage in garbage out" but I'm
wondering if there are
>any tools or filters that would clean up old video
>I am digitizing old VHS videotapes that we took years
ago on old,
>poor-quality camcorders. I have a nice new Canon Gl2 that takes
>wonderful footage, and we are using the analog line-in
feature to
>record these old, precious tapes (wedding, baby footage,
stuff like
>that) onto DV tape, which we'll transfer to DVD.
>Here's the problem.
The old footage is TERRIBLE quality.
>Camcorder motor in the audio track. Colors are bad. Is there
>ANYTHING that can be done to clean up the image? Premiere filters,
>something like that?
You can use the audio filters in Premiere and in
Cool Edit (especially the noise-reduction module,
www.syntrillium.com) to clean up the audio and
make voices more audible - and the many filters
in premiere to improve the picture (color balance
and saturation, brightness (including mid-tone
brightness), blacks, etc. You can sharpen by
copying footage, placing it above itself on V2
or higher, opening the track, applying "sharpen",
and setting transparency at 10-15% or so with
the transparency "rubber bands". It takes a little
practice (and the filters can be changed over
time using keyframes), but wonders can be