On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 22:44:08 -0500, "aew" <aewason@cogeco.ca> wrote:


>I'm trying to put an overlay on video 2 which overlays a video on V1 a. I

>want to only show the centre of the overlay with a blurred edgs, but the

>track on v1a showing around the edges.

>It's a piece of cake on my RT2000 system, but my partner (who has a premier

>on a pc, no rt2000) needs to be able to create the mask effect. Any ideas?


You can make the masks in any good photo or drawing program

(I prefer making them 1280x960 for best quality), and

import them into Premiere. Place the inset video on V2 or

higher, select video transparency, image matte - then

the preferred matte you've made. BTW, this technique works

well for selective-area sharpening, blurring, color-adjust,

vignetting, etc...