>>>"Neuman - Ruether"
<d_ruether@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 5 May 2003 19:39:03 +0800,
"Charles Darwin"
>>>> <charlie_darwin@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >Thinking of purchasing one of these
radio mics for video work.
>>>> >
>>>> >Would appreciate any feedback of
people's experiences with them.
>>>> It had numerous unpleasant
"percussive" noises
>>>> (as did the cheap Nady set); the Azden
>>>> set did not have these, but all three had
>>>> "swish" noises from
interferrence. The first two
>>>> were unacceptable; the last was barely
>>>> in this location...
David Ruether
>>On Tue, 6 May 2003 19:37:41 +0800, "Charles
>><charlie_darwin@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>Thanks David,
>>>Being relatively new to digital video and hence
this newsgroup I appreciate
>>>your comments.
>>>As it's something I wouldn't use very often, I
didn't want to spend heaps of
>>>money on a pro UHF unit. However I guess it's
the old story, "You get what
>>>you pay for".
>>>Is there no "prosumer" unit that fills
the gap between Tandy-like toys and
>>>fully professional models?
>>The Azden set is about 1.5 times the price of the
>>Sony here, and it serves fairly well. If you are in
>>an area free of cel-phones and other wireless gear,
>>it may serve well, as it did for me for several
>>BTW, Azden also makes a diversity model (2-channel,
>>auto-switching between for best signal).
>>David Ruether
On 08 May 2003 21:26:58 GMT, webpa@aol.com (WEBPA) wrote:
>All this is very nice.
>For the price of a single 70% reliable wireless
(UHF wide-band, diversity
>receiver, etc.), you can put a stereo miniDisc recorder
on each member of a
>whole football team and get perfect, glitch-free audio
and no wad-of-wires on
>your camcorder.
>Think think think...ask why you need live.
The original poster did ask about wireless sets - though
I and others often add that a mini-disk recorder is an
alternative. It does require additional time to record
to the computer, and additional effort to synchronize
it with the video - especially if the camera is
stop/started multiple times during the recording...