On 30 Jan 2003 21:23:55 -0800, espangle@email.smith.edu
(Bia) wrote:
>I recently ordered a sony dcr-trv 18 mini dv camera
online and today I
>got a call from the seller saying that there'd been a
>recall/discontinuement/something on the camera and it
was unavalable.
>Does anyone know anything about this or know where I
might find more
The TRV18 has been discontinued. Unlike the 3-CCD models,
1-CCD models have silly yearly "model-changes", to
"da pub-lic" interested...;-)
I think the TRV18 has been split into two models (more
"marketing"...;-), the TRV19 (with B&W finder
- whew,
hain't seen wunna them onna Mini-DV camera since...?)
with no Memory Stick, and the TRV22, with (and probably
with the same image/sound as the TRV11, 17, and 18...;-).
(BTW, I have a TRV11 for sale, for $450 - see:
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/fs.htm ...;-)