On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 00:13:27 GMT, "Marc Koenig,
Sr." <mkoenig@neb.rr.com> wrote:
>I have only recently started doing video editing, using
Premiere 6.0 (soon
>upgrading to 6.5). I have a question about archiving
home video to DVD. I
>have already transferred all my prior videos (VHS and
Hi8) to DV tape. I
>would like to go ahead and do bulk transfer of the tapes
to DVD for easier
>access and viewing and also to have it on a more
enduring media than tape. I
>initially will do this with only limited editing,
because if I wait until
>have have time to do extensive editing of all of it, it
will never get done.
Carefully-stored (upright, rewound, in dry, cool,
even conditions, with a wind/rewind cycle maybe
every year or two) Mini-DV tapes of good quality
may outlast writable DVDs (or at least get you to
the time of another, better medium) - and unless
you copy data files, the MPEG2 DVD "movie" files
are more compressed than the original, with lower
quality - and they are currently harder to edit.
Stay with tape for archiving, duplicating with
FireWire connection those tapes of greatest