On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 22:51:27 GMT, "Lou Gopal"
<lougopal@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Okay, I'm a hobbyist currently using Video Explosion on
a PC. I've produced
>videos importing stills, captured digital videos, and
digital audio (using
>SonarXL). VE's cheap, does an ok
>job, and extremely intuitive and easy but now I'm ready
to move to something
>more "semi-pro" for better transitions,
>effects, etc.
I've tried demo versions of both Premiere and Ulead Media
>Studio Pro.
>Adobe has a lot of bells and whistles and seems to need
a long learning
>curve. I've only scrached the
>surface. Ulead seems to need to render every time you
add a new option and
>want to preview.
>What a pain.
>So, I'd like to ask you guys having the experience, what
would you suggest ?
>Invest the time and $$$$ for either Adobe Premiere,
Ulead MediaStudio Pro,
>or maybe you've got a better
>suggestion ? I'd like something fast, easy, and
powerful. Is there such a
>thing ?
>I'd sure appreciate your advice.... Thanks in advance.
Premiere can be easier that it first appears, by changing
the interface (see: www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/premiere.htm);
MSPro, as with Premiere, should be rendering only changed
parts. It is similar, with different details, compared with
Premiere. Vegas Video is also similar, but has a lot of
"cookbook" features (rather than "doing it
yourself", as in
Premiere), which are appealing to some. All three are good,
and more similar than different, but if you are looking
for "fast, easy, and powerful" rather than with
the greatest
control, VV is a good choice. BTW, Premiere can be cheap
when purchased bundled with a card - and I appreciate its
relatively easy handling of multiple-camera tracks (see: