On Wed, 21 May 2003 13:30:54 -0500, Jim Patterson <hangfire@arthur.avalon.net> wrote:


>This sounds so simple but I can't figure out how to do it!  I'm trying to

>crossfade a title of a video on the bottom-left corner of the screen (like

>MTV does it), and can get the title to appear but can't get it to

>crossfade on/off.  I've used Premiere's titler as well as TitleDeko and

>Insciber.  I was going to crossfade it like a regular video clip, but I

>don't think I can put it on one of the primary video tracks since it's

>being superimposed over everything else.  So right now I've got it on one

>of the extra tracks on top of all the others.  Please let me know what I

>can try, thanks!


You can place the clip(s) on V2 or higher, open the

tracks to reveal the transparency level adjusts, select

the best transparency type for the particulars of the

images, and adjust away with the height of the

"rubber-bands"... BTW, you can add irregular point

"handles" to the rubber band by clicking on it, and

then shape the fade-in/out any way you want (and you

can add motion-tool size/placement/rotation-changes

and filters to the titles... [I like fading in a

corner-placed title at a 45-degree angle that is VERY

soft as it rotates and moves to final position as it

sharpens [and maybe shifts color], then after "sitting"

to be read, it moves sideways off screen right as it

fades - but there are MANY possibilities...;-]).