"Steve McDonald" <bigrocketman3@webtv.net> wrote in message news:20467-3F6AA776-1@storefull-2115.public.lawson.webtv.net...


>      If you move the camera rapidly, the image will blur, regardless of

> whether it has optical or electronic image stabilization.  The criticism

> of electronic stabilization in regard to this, as compared to optical

> stabilization, is not valid.  The small amount of the range of

> correction in optical stabilization, won't prevent more than a tiny

> amount of blurring in a sweep of the camera.


I agree. I've used cameras with both types, and, depending

mostly on the quality of the implementation, the results with

either can be excellent, or poor. With poor OIS, the image

can "swim" if the camera is slightly disturbed, or you can

have a "bouncing ball" effect when correction reaches its

limits; with poor EIS, the resolution can be compromised

considerably when it is engaged; with good versions of both,

they are VERY hard to tell apart in action...


 David Ruether

