On Tue, 08 Apr 2003 06:00:56 GMT, "James" <76eb@removethissympatico.ca> wrote:


>Has anyone else had this experience?


>I go to a photography website. The owner has a truckload of opinions on

>every kind of equipment, all very confident and authoritative. He's tossing

>off picks and pans of $10,000 cameras and exotic lenses like he was God's

>Gift to Photography.


>Then -- when I click on his images -- they suck!


>So here's my question: can anybody point me to a website where the guy talks

>the talk *and also* walks the walk?


Well...., not t' toot me own horn TOO loudly, but...;-)

Try wandering on down to www.David-Ruether-Photography.com and

try a few sections of the images (though I do not

stand behind the "3-D" images as anything but fun,

and the commercial section is just that - though you

may find some things there worth looking at...;-).

Start with the "Aht" section, then try the others.

And, BTW, I'm also a "gear-head" - for more on this,

see "I babble" for still and video gear reviews, etc.

'Course, you might not like (or understand...) what

I do, so it is actually possible(!) that you may not

like my photo work, either...;-) If you do like it,

there is MUCH more of it (of a commercial nature,

though) at www.visitithaca.com.