On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:49:48 -0500, "Mark Weaver"
<weaver@nospam-corvusdev.com> wrote:
>Alan wrote:
>> "Mark Weaver"
<weaver@nospam-corvusdev.com> wrote in message
>> news:<5Y6cnT_XmdQFmaqjXTWcoQ@comcast.com>...
>>> Neuman - Ruether wrote:
>>>> Cool Edit
>>>> (www.syntrillium.com) has an excellent
>>>> module included it this nice and
inexpensive software...
>>> Yep that sounds like what I was asking
about. I wonder if anyone
>>> has used that on DV motor noise and how well it
>>> Mark
>> Here's a video tutorial on using CoolEdit to do
>Well, it seems more an explanation of the principles
than a tutorial, but
>thanks for the link.
So, it sounds like it works pretty well for camera
>motor noise and the CoolEdit software isn't too
expensive. Only question is
>how much of a pain it is to run the filter on
every--wonder if cool edit has
>any kind of command-line / batch processing capabilities
that would make it
>possible to automate the process?
The "help" files are excellent in Cool Edit (heck,
even the
'96 version was well-written, with an excellent interface,
great help files, and it is STABLE!). Once you set
parameters, the program "remembers" them, and you
also save the fft "noise-profile" for your camera
- so,
essentially, all you need to do is import the WAV file,
select "noise reduction", hit "go", and
save the result...
BTW, I often export the whole video timeline and process
the whole thing in Cool Edit, if the noise type is constant
throughout (though it is easy to select portions of the
file for processing...).