On Tue, 08 Apr 2003 03:21:10 -0400, "M.Lindstrom" <pj50@nospam.hotmail.com> wrote:


>I'm not sure if that's what they are called, but if I were to get a lens

>doubler, on top of a 10 times optical lens, is the doubler a true lens

>and will it really give me a 20 x optical result?  or will the end

>result be the same as though it were digital?


It will double all FLs of the zoom from "wide" to long,

assuming that it truly is a "2X" - there is a lot of

"cheating" with these converter magnification factors,

though...;-) As for quality, I have yet to see a really

good tele converter (maybe Sony or Canon offer one...),

and the optical results with these can be pretty poor.

WA converters tend to be better-quality...