On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 19:55:49 +0000, SeanOg wrote:

>I'm a newcomer to video editing (since Easter) and I'm beginning to
>use more filters and effects as my technique advances. I am now
>starting to be seriously slowed down by long render times.
>Can anyone advise me what are the system factors that influence render
>I'd like to upgrade my system, but since I'm on a tight budget, I want
>to get maximum benefit from any changes I make.
>My current system is:
>Panasonic NV DX110
>Pentium II 350
>Windows ME
>Premiere 5.1

The Raptor codec is noticeably faster and more accurate
than the Adaptec DVSoft codec the DPS Spark card (the same
as the DV200...) used; increasing CPU speed to 800MHz or
so will decrease rendering time noticeably, but not by
as much as one would hope (it improved by 33% going from
450MHz to 800MHz for me, so maybe around 50% for you?);
increasing RAM above 128megs or increasing HD speed will
have little or no effect; going to dual processors with
Premiere 6 and WinNT/2K will increase render speed; using
"real-time" cards may have little effect on rendered DV
output, from what I gather - they are real-time for analogue
output only(?). Most cost-effective upgrades: Canopus Raptor
card (about $370 WO Premiere), and CPU upgrade (under $200,
if your MB is ready for one of the versions of the P-III
800MHz processor).