In article <>, says...
[most deleted, about viewing screens]
>It's so bad I'm thinking of selling the F4 and getting another FM2 or
>an FE2 or FA to replace it.

Um, before doing that, try a later ("red dot") F3 screen, or an earlier
(slightly darker, therefore maybe more contrasty non-"red dot") F3 screen
in your F4. I agree that greater screen brightness is a very poor trade
for contrast and sharpness - no wonder many people think they need
auto-focus! The viewfinder screens are becoming unuseable for
anything but framing! Soon, we will be back using old Zeiss
Contaflex and Contarex type clear screens - bright, but what's
the point of SLR viewing if there is nothing other than
parallax reduction? (A rhetorical question...;-)
Hope This Helps