
>I just saw an used 500mm mirror Nikkor for a really good pirce. And
>you mailed me last week that you have this lens. I wondered what you
>use it for. You don't rate it very high in your USLE(MN), but still
>you have it !

I like it a lot - it is sharp, contrasty (for a mirror), and has a
weird ability to look like there is more DOF than their should be
(probably due to slightly reduced sharpness compared with other long
lenses, combined with a VERY contrasty out-of focus image - sounds
contradictory, but it works to provide a wider than expected depth
of roughly equal "sharpness") - the image looks similar to what
the big ED's do wide-open (except for the hot-spot). Works well
with TC14/14B, which also reduces the hot-spot . This is the larger,
older one - newer one didn't impress me as much, harder to get a
sharp-looking 8x10 with it. Again, I LIKE the 500mm (with a few
reservations, but it IS light and small [relatively!]).

>I guess that contrast might be a problem (and the doughnut shaped
>highlights) Is that indeed the case ??

Naw, they appear with out-of-focus point highlights - if you don't
like them, don't shoot out-of-focus point highlights! ;-)

>This weekend I've been photographing dirttrack races and now I have
>my 105mm2.5 full of sand :-(
>I guess I'll have to have it cleaned (it sounds terrible when
>focussing) But I think I made some great shots ! (I'll get the
>slides today) Any suggestions how to avoid lenses full of sand ??
>(I got a few full loads of sand just across me & the camera !
> Jan-jaap Aue

Before shipping it out, run a stiff piece of paper with a torn edge
around the narrow gap under both the front and rear of the the focus
ring - it may clear out most of the grit and solve the problem.
Use a feather duster on camera/lens exterior before any blowing.